Saturday, May 28, 2011

This One's for you.

A bit of recycling going on... as I reorganize my stash, give away things I do not need and really STOP all the unnecessary buying...

So I included this Prima packaging into my mini book.
This is a special journal for a friend who lost her mother to cancer.
I wanted to share this with her... cause I had a scrapbook/ journal for father too, to help me remember all the things We wanted about him, and it helped us with the healing process.

On another note,
Here's a gift from my all the colors, its so girly.

Thanks for coming by...
Till then, Scrap to your Heart's desires...

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Healing my soul.

I had spent days...watching the leaves fall...fall onto the ground... and then,watch flowers... flowers growing after that...

I went through such a harsh time past 6 months... yes harsh not hard... it almost broke my spirit, but I kept thinking about how much I have grown and how blessed I am... I thank God.
I want to say Thank You to each and everyone of you who came by and dropped me a line or a text and wished me well...
I am good, thank much.

I am finding so much comfort right now... just learning to relax, and letting go, yes letting go of things beyond my control.

Healing my soul.

I will be back again real soon...till then,
Scrap to your Heart's desires...

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The last weekend was good. The best in weeks. Had completed a big load of work, and felt so relieved and grateful after that.

I managed to relax by creating a mini book... :) A lil recipe book for my sister who is learning to cook for her husband... (and cope with all the other things in between...)

Thank you for still staying tune and visiting my blog, I really appreciate it.
Till then...

Scrap to your Heart's desires...

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Greetings Fellow Bloggers.

Greetings Fellow Bloggers...
wow. I have not been HERE. for some time now... too busy with work, too tired, too emotionally drained. But...
I'm thanking GOD... I'm healthier and slowly...very slowly starting to create again...

I made this mini book for a colleague's birthday, last 2 months...

A little something I would like to share with you... a few of my favourite things... :) after building up my room to where it is now... for the past 2 years... somewhere in a few months time, A Life changing event is gonna take place and I will have to start anew... so this one's for memory sake.

Go on... Scrap to your Heart's desires...